Fertilization, Weed & Insect Control

At Corona Lawns we take a personalized approach to caring for your lawn.  We start every plan with a soil test.  Evaluating the nutrient status of your soil is a vital step in developing a quality turf.  After we have your soil report, we will design a personalized approach to treating your soil & grass that follows an Integrated Pest Management strategy.  While pesticides are helpful in obtaining a green, lush lawn, they are not the only answer.  Selecting the best grass cultivar for your location, proper mowing & watering practices, addressing soil nutrient deficiencies, correct application rates & timing, fertilizer and pesticides all work together to create a healthy turf you can enjoy.

We do not have varying degrees of treatment plans aside from the add-on plant bed weed control and turf disease control options because we can’t in good conscience offer plans that are incomplete.  If we only fertilize and add herbicides to your lawn without soil testing or feeding the soil, we would only be putting band-aids on the lawn rather than helping you to create a long lasting healthy, dense turf.  We take pride in our work and stand behind our services and do not cut corners.


                                                                                               CORONA GREENS TURF TREATMENT PROGRAM
                                                                                                         Fertilization, Weed & Insect Control 

What is the best defense against weeds in your turf?

The best defense against weeds is a thick and healthy lawn that is capable of out-competing weeds and tolerating minor insect feeding. One of the most important steps in achieving a thick & healthy lawn is getting your soil right. Without good soil, your lawn will not compete well with weeds. This is why we won’t start a treatment plan for you without a soil test and treating the soil. Could we? Yes! Would that be easier for us? Yes! Will we? No!
                                                                                Think of it like this . . . the soil to your grass is like the foundation to your home.

1st STEP
Soil Test – Lime/Sulfur & Organic Materials as recommended based on soil report

CORONA GREENS TURF TREATMENT PROGRAM – 6 VISITS (doesn’t include first step required before starting plan in the first year)
(Exact timing may vary as treatment timing is based on temperatures, not the month.)
FALL APPLICATION – Fall Fertilizer, Pre-Emergent, Post-Emergent, Insecticide
WINTER APPLICATION – Pre-Emergent, Post-Emergent, Insecticide
SPRING APPLICATION – Fertilizer, Post-Emergent, Insecticide, Soil Amendment/Bioactivator
SUMMER 1 APPLICATION – Fertilizer, Pre-Emergent, Post-Emergent, Insecticide, Soil Amendment/Bioactivator
*SUMMER 2 APPLICATION – Soil Amendment & Maintenance lime/sulfur
SUMMER 3 APPLICATION – Fertilizer, Post-Emergent, Insecticide, Soil Amendment/Bioactivator

APRIL/MAY – Pre-Emergent
Post-Emergent will be applied at all service visits as needed.

Preventative fungicide helps prevent the spread of the disease but will not cure parts of the plant that are already infected.
ADD-ON TURF DISEASE CONTROL (only recommended if you know you have had fungus issues in the past or currently having a fungus issue)

Pest – undesirable organism that injures humans, desirable plants and animals, manufactured products, or natural substances. Some pests destroy clothing, furniture, and buildings; reduce the beauty and recreational value of the landscape; and invade our homes during the winter months.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) – a pest management strategy that utilizes a wide range of pest control methods or tactics (cultural, biological, mechanical and chemical).

Pesticide – any material that is applied to plants, soil, water, harvested crops, structures, clothing and furnishings, or animals to kill, attract, repel, or regulate or interrupt the growth and mating of pests, or to regulate plant growth.

Fertilizer – any material of natural or synthetic origin that is applied to soil or to plant tissues to supply plant nutrients.

Soil Amendment – any material added to a soil to improve its physical properties.

Bioactivator – micronutrients that are delivered to plants at a molecular level to resolve nutrient deficiencies within the plant.

Pre-Emergent Herbicide – form of chemical weed control which prevents germinated weed seedlings from becoming established.

Post-Emergent Herbicide – form of chemical weed control that kills the weeds after they have already germinated.

Insecticide – an agent that destroys one ore more species of insects.

Fungicide – an agent, or pesticide, that kills or prevents the growth of fungi and their spores.

Liming – the practice of applying an agent to reduce soil acidity (raise pH) and make soils more favorable for turf growth.

Sulfur (for lawn care) – primarily used to lower soil pH in overly alkaline conditions.

                                                                                                                       WORKING TOGETHER
When it comes to achieving your lawn care goals, we can be a big help! But, we need work from you, too! We will share proper mowing (unless we already handle that) & watering instructions. Please note that once your soil & grass are healthy, you will notice increased growth that ideally will need to be cut at least weekly. Please keep this in mind before signing up for the services! Each step of the process plays an important role, and proper watering (amount & timing) is crucial for the health of your turf. Please keep this in mind before signing up for the services! We also need a commitment from you that if you see something in the lawn that doesn’t look right, you will send us a message with a photo as soon as you can. It may be nothing or it may be something we can easily address if caught early enough. We aren’t at your property every day, so we need you to help us stay aware of any potential issues that may arise in between service visits. At the end of the day, we are dealing with nature which is not always predictable.

Contact us today for a free estimate for our Corona Greens Turf Treatment Program!